CNY SHRM Professional Certification Award

Central New York Society for Human Resource Management (CNY SHRM) is offering one scholarship opportunity to a CNYSHRM member for the purpose of obtaining SHRM professional certification.

Applicants can apply for one from the following options:

$850 towards the cost of the SHRM Learning System for independent study


$350 towards SCP or CP Examination & Application Fees for members that prefer to prepare with their own materials.

The Professional Certification Award will be granted based on the following criteria:

  • SHRM National Membership-Please provide membership card or receipt of payment
  • Level of Activity within CNY SHRM Chapter-Documentation illustrating applicant’s participation in Chapter activities
  • Professional work experience-A current resume

Please submit a cover letter clarifying your interest in obtaining professional certification and which scholarship option you are applying for.

Please include documentation for the areas listed above.  The Foundation Committee and Executive Board will review the applications and award the Professional Certification Award.  All decisions are final. Award will be made payable to the member. The CNY SHRM Executive Board reserves the right to award multiple winners based on interest and funding availability.

Please send your cover letter and supporting material to CNY SHRM attn: Scholarship Committee

Scholarship winners agree to allow CNY SHRM to publicly recognize their award and are strongly encouraged to consider volunteering for a CNY SHRM committee at the conclusion of their studies.
